Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy 50th Anniversary Barbie

Since I was a little girl my sister and I have always loved Barbie. While most girls have a few Barbie's that they play with, we were the exact opposite. Barbie was a staple in our lives until we were in the double digits. For Christmas we not only got Barbie's but we got everything that Barbie would ever need. We had Barbie Jeep's, houses, blenders, countless of outfits, and over 20 Barbies, Stacie's, Ken's, Kevin's and Skipper.

This year Barbie celebrated 50 years, which i think in today's era is a feat in its self. At the past New York Fashion week (which I will talk about in the weeks to come) Barbie had a fashion show to herself. Top designers were asked to create looks of what they thought Barbie should look like. I think the show was one of the most amazing fashion shoes I have watched over the years and one of the best parts were the shoes!

I have always had a love for shoes, especially shoes with a meaning behind them. This week I found out that Town Shoes were carrying limited edition Barbie shoes from the fashion show. Tonight I made my way to West Edmonton Mall to find the collection. After trying on 3/7 pairs of the collection, I couldn't part with 2 pairs. They are now my most beloved shoes ever!

Congratulations to you Barbie! Hope that there are 50 more years in the works for the next generations of young girls to experience!!

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