I just finished reading Kelly Cutrone's new book, If You Have To Cry Go Outside: and other things your mother never told you.
I had really been wanting to read this book as I love Kelly from The Hills and now her appearances on The City. She also has a TV show of her own called Life on Kell that looks really good too.
Kelly appears to be one of those no nonsense, tough as can be, women. She admits that she often gets called a Bitch, which she refers to as Babe (or Boss) In Total Control of Herself.
The book does get a little preachy at time about her religion and faith, and the beliefs that she has, however, she does it to explain her life. She truly does open herself up to the reader, and holds nothing back. Kelly shares everything from her love life, drug additions, business practices, and insider stories to the fashion world.
Here are a couple of my favorite pieces from the book:
Everything Good Happens After Thirty:
1. Salary Increases
2. High End Fashion
3. A Baby. If you want one
4. The desire and the emotional wherewithal to date three men at the same time without remorse.
5. Vacations outside the USA sans youth hostel
6. Self Control
7. Property Ownership
8. The ability to buy a muscle car... if you want one
9. Decrease in overall paranoia and hysteria, which leads to...
10. Better sex!
The Empowered Girls Guide to Dressing for Work
1. No wife-beaters
2. No cleavage
3. No Belly Buttons
4. No Muffin-top
5. No stilettos or heels over three inches
6. No Flip Flops
7. No gold lame
8. Absolutely no corduroy
9. No belly piercings, eyebrow rings, facial piercings, or any other piercings that don't involve an ear
10. Nothing obviously more expensive then what your boss wears
11. No Chistian Audigier or Ed Hardy, which are forever banned from fashionable workplaces everywhere
12. No shipping the bra, even if you don't thing you need one
13. No cross-dressing